Using the Gradle Plug-in

Customizing Buildless integration with Gradle

Our Gradle plugin is the easiest way to use Buildless with Gradle. We update the plug-in regularly, and it is designed to be minimally invasive to your builds.

Plug-in Configuration Options

The plug-in is designed to work out of the box with no additional config options. You can add any of the below options to customize the plug-in's default behavior:

OptionDefault valueDescription
debugfalseActivates debug logging and API tracing
telemetrytrueControls build telemetry
reportErrorstrueGoverns whether errors are reported back to Buildless
localCache.enabledtrueWhether to enable Gradle's local (on-disk) build cache where local caches should be stored (see docs)
remoteCache.enabledtrueWhether to enable the Buildless remote cache service
remoteCache.endpoint(Buildless)Override cache endpoint for enterprise tenant

Reference Docs

The API reference docs show all available configuration options, and additionally document the entirety of the plug-in's public surface.

Complete config example

import build.less.plugin.settings.buildless

plugins {
  id("build.less") version "..."

buildless {
  // various flags:
  debug = true  // activate or deactivate debug mode (verbose logging, API tracing, etc)
  telemetry = true  // activate or deactivate private build telemetry (build analytics in the dashboard)
  reportErrors = true  // activate or deactivate error reporting to the buildless team (just plugin errors)

  // options for configuring your API key:
  apiKey(ApiKey.of("...", type = SubjectType.ORG))

  // configuring local caching (it defaults to being active):
  localCache.enabled = true  // turn the local cache on or off = "..."  // set the directory where the cache is stored (defaults to .gradle/cache)

  // or...
  localCache {
    enabled = true
    directory = "..."

  // configuring remote caching (it defaults to being active):
  remoteCache.enabled = true  // turn the remote cache on or off
  remoteCache.endpoint = "..."  // set a custom or enterprise cache endpoint (not usually necessary)

  // or...
  remoteCache {
    enabled = true
    endpoint = "..."